If you’re feeling as though you’ve beaten your head against a network marketing brick wall for too long, hold on—network marketing help is actually readily available if you know where to look.
Of course, that begs the question of knowing where to look to get the help you need.
Congratulations on finding this article, because I’m going to get you started right now!
Network Marketing’s Superheroes are Happy to Help
I’m one of the top earners in network marketing today. But do you know one of the ways I define my true success? For me, success means helping others shine and succeed as network marketers.
Mine isn’t an uncommon attitude, either. Network marketing’s superheroes have become stars because of all the people we’ve helped!
Yes, I could stand to benefit if you choose to become part of my downline. But even if you don’t, I’m here to help you achieve your dreams. The other real achievers in this industry have the same mindset.
But how do you tell the stars from the fakes? Do some research:
- How well known is this person in the network marketing industry? A few moments on Google will give you that information.
- Verify the marketer’s track record. How long has this person been successful? I’ve been in the top 3% of industry income earners for more than 4 years.
- How well is the marketer doing today? You don’t want to work with an old hand who isn’t doing anything today. The world of online network marketing changes all the time, and you need the most up-to-date information you can get.
Finally, once you have a few potential mentors to choose from, take a look at each star marketer’s communication style and methods for working with new marketers. For example, I take a very individual approach designed to work with your specific strengths and weaknesses. Other mentors may have a more hands-off approach, giving you their expertise freely but otherwise letting you work it out on your own.
There is no right answer here. There’s only what works for you.
Lots of Help is Out There On the Internet. A Lot of Trash is Out There, Too.
Why did I encourage you to do the research to find a genuine network marketing mentor? After all, the Internet is bursting with information about this industry.
But how are you going to be able to tell which tips work and which don’t?
I firmly believe that we don’t live long enough to keep reinventing the wheel. If you learn this trade from a true marketing expert, you won’t have to wade through the trash out there in order to mine for the gems. And, believe me, there’s a lot of “Kryptonite” out there.
And there you have it. Solid network marketing help is out there for you if you want it. All you need to do is find one of our industry’s heroes and learn the ropes from that person. Good luck, and good marketing!