3 Ways to Build a Network Marketing Downline—Without Really Trying

If you’ve even looked into network marketing, you know that the key to real success is attracting and keeping a solid network marketing downline. Of course, if you’ve done network marketing the old-school way—cold calls and soliciting strangers face-to-face—you probably think of recruiting a marketing downline as a grueling, unpleasant, and often unsuccessful business.

Guess what? Those days are over! If you do your homework and do it correctly, you can start building your network marketing downline without even trying that hard!

Yes, I know it sounds unbelievable. But the instrument that makes this possible is right in front of your eyes. No—not this article, or even your computer. The Internet.

The Internet is probably the single greatest network marketing recruiting tool ever created!

And now I’m going to tell you how to use it:

  1. Obviously, you need a website. But not just any old site that you throw up in a weekend! Get yourself a professional, sleek website and start filling it with compelling content—“how to” marketing articles, tips for using your network marketing company’s products or services, that sort of thing.
  1. One thing you need to make sure of is that your all of your content is created with Search Engine Optimization (SEO) firmly in mind. I share specifics about SEO elsewhere on this website—the information is yours for the taking!
  1. Now turn your attention to other “places” on the Internet. Put articles on free article distribution sites. Put videos on YouTube for free. Take advantage of free social networking accounts. Did you notice I said “free” quite a bit? That’s one of the things I love about network marketing recruiting online—it’s so inexpensive to do!

Now sit back and watch as your network marketing downline starts coming to you. They’ve seen that you know what you’re doing, and they want to be part of it. But you don’t have to take calls right away—everyone can sign up on your we site, even while you’re sleeping! And I think that situation is win-win for everyone concerned!

Posted in Uncategorized.

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